Strife definition
Strife definition

strife definition

The Northern Ireland conflict is a religious conflict. Lecky, an Irish historian, wrote in 1892 that, "If the characteristic mark of a healthy Christianity be to unite its members by a bond of fraternity and love, then there is no country where Christianity has more completely failed than Ireland". Northern Ireland has seen inter-communal conflict for more than four centuries and there are records of religious ministers or clerics, the agents for absentee landlords, aspiring politicians, and members of the landed gentry stirring up and capitalizing on sectarian hatred and violence back as far as the late 18th century.

strife definition

This religious sectarianism is connected to a degree with nationalism. Since the 16th century there has been sectarian conflict of varying intensity between Roman Catholics and Protestants in Ireland. The killings have been called "the worst of the century's religious massacres", and led to the start of the fourth war of the French Wars of Religion.Ī modern Protestant mural in Belfast celebrating Oliver Cromwell and his activities Pope Gregory XIII sent the leader of the massacres a Golden Rose, and said that the massacres "gave him more pleasure than fifty Battles of Lepanto, and he commissioned Giorgio Vasari to paint frescoes of it in the Vatican". The massacres were carried out on the national day celebrating Bartholomew the Apostle. Bartholomew's Day massacre followers of the Roman Catholic Church killed up to 30,000 Huguenots (French Protestants) in mob violence.

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According to Miroslav Volf, the European wars of religion were a major factor behind the "emergence of secularizing modernity". Although sometimes unconnected, all of these wars were strongly influenced by the religious change of the period, and the conflict and rivalry that it produced.

Strife definition series#

The Battle of the White Mountain in Bohemia (1620)-one of the decisive battles of the Thirty Years Warįollowing the onset of the Protestant Reformation, a series of wars were waged in Europe starting circa 1524 and continuing intermittently until 1648. See Buddhism and violence and warrior monks. In the Japanese Middle Ages, different Buddhist sects had private armies that frequently clashed. Christian conflict: Catholic versus ProtestantĪmong Buddhists In Japan.Interreligious conflict: Christians and/or Catholics versus Jews.Political conflict: communist versus nationalist.Economic conflict: capitalist versus Collectivist anarchism.Some of the possible enabling environments for sectarian violence include power struggles, political climate, social climate, cultural climate, and economic landscape. It may involve the dynamics of social polarization, the balkanization of a geographic area along the lines of self-identifying groups, and protracted social conflict. Sectarian violence differs from the concept of race riot. Traditionally, sectarian violence implies a symmetrical confrontation between two or more non-state actors representing different population groups. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute:

Strife definition